Arjun Sadananda
Systems and Control Engineer | Robotics & Drone Developer
With a passion for robotics, I have spent the last few years learning, building and programming a wide variety of robots. It has become my personal mission to connect the theory from the classrooms & research papers to practice in real-world projects, because I believe this is true mastery of the subject. (plus it's a lot of fun!)
At the same time I try to make myself useful to the society with the valuable soft skills I have developed, through intrapreneurship and teaching. As an upbeat, self-motivated team player, I envision an exciting future ahead filled with challenging projects and collaborative endeavors.
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My story in short:
Education, Professional Experience & Highlights
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay
Master of Technology
Systems and Control Engineering
M.Tech Project
Attitude Estimation and Control for a Quadcopter UAV with concepts from manifold theory
Guide: Prof. Ravi N Banavar
Hardware Implementation on firmware developed from scratch on Teensy4.1 development board
The controller implemented is from the paper titled: Control of Complex Maneuvers for a Quadrotor UAV using Geometric Methods on SE(3) by Taeyoung Lee, Melvin Leok, and N. Harris McClamroch. The control objective is similar to the Throw Mode in ArduCopter Firmware, which is to stabilise a Quadcopter UAV thrown into the air (or dropped from a height).
M.Tech Project (Part I)
Designed and Implemented a new variant of Robust Attitude Estimator using 9-axis IMU by fusing ideas of TRIAD with MEKF (Manifold/Multiplicative EKF).
Implemented on Teensy 4.0/4.1 boards for the teensypilot project (above mentioned project)
(A paper describing this work in detail is under development)
First the estimator described in Kalman Filtering for Attitude Estimation with Quaternions and Concepts from Manifold Theory and https://ahrs.readthedocs.io/en/ was extended to include two vectors, the accelerometer and the magnetormeter. But the performance of this extended estimator was not very reliable in practice due to the inconsistency in (primarily) the magnetometer readings (even after calibration). Therefore introducing the idea of preprocessing the magnetometer vector to be the 3rd column of the rotation matrix generated by TRIAD. This improved the performace drastically.
(A paper describing this work in detail is under development)
e-Yantra - Robot enhanced teaching
in engineering colleges & schools
Sr. Project Technical Assistant
Developer, e-Yantra Robotics Competition (e-YRC)
Conceptualised technical challenges or Gamified Real World Problems to facilitate comprehension and application of technologies and concepts from multiple disciplines. Provided mentorship to 1000s of engineering students nationwide in tackling a variety of problem statements listed below.
Holo-glyph Bots Theme (2023-24)
Holonomic Art Bot Theme (2022-23)
Intrepid Explorer and Game Inventor (2020-22)
Sahayak Bot (2020)
Patrol Fish Theme (2019-20)
Holo-glyph Bots Theme
Build and program a trio of holonomic drive robots to plot images and functions on an 8ft x 8ft arena using ArUco markers and an overhead camera for localization. Tech Stack: ROS2, Gazebo, OpenCV, micro-controller programming, μROS.
Led Embedded Systems Faculty Training Workshops
at Indore, Tirupati, Surathkal and Bombay.
The workshops were designed to equip faculty members from the vicinity of these cities with a comprehensive understanding of embedded C programming, on the ATMEGA2560-based robotic platform Firebird V
Mentor, e-Yantra Summer Internship Program (e-YSIP)
Worked with summer interns on a range of projects like Design and fabrication of a Robotic Gripper for UR5 arm, CAD modelling of Arrestor and Battery Swapping Mechanism for UAVs, Design and simulation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, ...
Mechanical designer
for a variety of platforms/projects @ e-Yantra
Chassis for the Collaborative Robot (to marry a UR5 robotic arm to a UGV).
Components mounts for 7kg payload drone platform, etc.
Papers Published:
Learn, Build and Compete: An Aquatic Robot-Fish Challenge
Saail Narvekar, Rucmenya Bessariya, Arjun Sadananda, Kavi Arya
2020 3rd International Conference on Education Technology Management (pp. 60-65).
Learning Efficacy and Effect of Scaffolding in Online Engineering Education during COVID-19 Pandemic.
Narvekar, S., Gupta, V., Atar, S., Sadananda, A., Singh, S., Arya, K.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2022
make gif
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Centre for System Design | NITK Surathkal
Founder and Team Leader
of the first team from NITK Surathkal to take part in the prestigious ABU Robocon.
Winners of First Time Best Use of MATLAB
Recognized for adeptly modelling the forward and inverse kinematics of a holonomic drive robot and line tracking controller on MATLAB Simulink.
Lead role in Control Systems, MATLAB simulations, and Mechanical Design of the Robots for Robocon 2018 & 2019. Designed, built, and programmed four robots tailored to meet the specific task requirements outlinedin the competition rule books.
National Institute of Technology (NIT) Karnataka
Bachelor of Technology; Mechanical Engineering
Runner Up e-Yantra Robotics Competition 2016
Launch a Module Theme
Implemented Image Processing using OpenCV for Localisation, Dijkstra’s algorithm for Path Planning and PID + behaviour based controller to control the Differential Drive Robot.
e-Yantra Summer Intern 2017
6 DOF Robotic Arm;, PCL Library
Designed and fabricated a 6 DOF Robotic Arm inspired from the mechanics of the Human Arm. Implemented object detection on point cloud data stream from a Kinect sensor using Point Cloud Library
Paper Published:
Geometrical Mapping of an Initially Unknown Region by a Mobile Robot
Shashank Rao Marpally, M S Nagarakshith, Arjun Sadananda, K. R. Guruprasad
2019 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical Circuits and Robotics
Part of BTech Major Project at NITK Surathkal (2015-2019)
Indian Educational School (Bhavans) Kuwait
CBSE Senior Secondary Curriculum (XI-XII)
Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science
Country Topper (Kuwait 2015) in Computer Science
Skills & Tools
that I've worked on through this jorney
Soft Skills...
Problem Solving,
Design Thinking,
Product Development and Prototyping,
Team Work,
Club Manager of the IITB Ultimate Frisbee Club (June’22-Dec’22)
Spirit Captain of the IITB Ultimate Frisbee Team in NCS Regionals 2022 @ Surat
Piloting FPV Acrobatic Drones
A variety of Racquet Sports, bouldering, playing guitar (beginner), adventure, etc.